I have often thought about what happens to those who take their own life. We know that the law of Moses, or the 10 commandments, that is says "Thou shalt not kill." OK, well does this mean also taking one's own life?
I pondered on this question for awhile. A very good friend of mine took his life about 5 days before I left for my mission.
My friend called me on the phone and told me this terrible news. I hung up the phone and just sat outside on my porch.
I was shocked when I heard this news, I thought no not him! Why him?!
I don't know why, but I have been thinking alot about him lately. Especially when I study about the Plan of Salvation.
I wonder, if there is hope for him and if he could be forgiven. Would God, and could forgive an act such as this one. I came across a talk on LDS.org by Elder M. Russell Ballard, "Things we know, and things we do not." There is a part of this talk that brought much comfort to my soul, as I hope it does with yours as well. "I believe the Lord will consider each case separately and judge the circumstances of each individual. I have sincerely sought direction from our Father in Heaven to help me understand the nature of suicide. And I have come to know, as well as anything else that I know from God, that these people have a place in the kingdom of our Father, and it is not one of darkness or despair, but one where they can receive comfort and experience serenity." "...it is clear that hope exists."
In Doctrine and Covenants 138:58-59 it says,"The dead who repent will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God, And after they have paid the penalty of their transgressions, and are washed clean, shall receive a reward according to their works, for they are heirs of salvation." I know there is hope for all those who have passed on. I know that I will see him again. "... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)