Remember, Christ was resurrected.. We will be to! :)
This morning we visited with one of our investigators. She told us about some news that she heard about a young girl passing on. She expressed to us how she felt about the situation and about death.
As I listened to her talk, I tried to see and feel what she was feeling. There have been times when I have thought about death and it has made me nervous at times. I blogged about a few of my friends that have passed away and my feelings on that.
I've noticed that this subject does frighten alot of people, but should it?
Through the atonement of our Savior He didn't just suffer for our sins, he also died for us, 3 days later He was resurrected. He was resurrected!! And because of that, we will be too! Because of Christ, we will be made alive..
So what does happen to those who pass on?
In Alma 40:11 it says," Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection-Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life."
What a great blessing, our loved ones who have passed on, they are OK. They are at peace, and we will see them again. I'm grateful to have this knowledge, it has brought alot of peace to my heart.
I know that life doesn't end after this one, we continue living. We will see our loved ones again. I promise you that they are OK, our Heavenly Father is taking good care of them.
Alma 40 is a gem! So many questions are answered in that chapter. Christ does live and we too will live again!