Saturday, October 16, 2010


It took me awhile to understand this. Who am I? Do I stand for something? Remember?

Remember is a very powerful word to me. In the dictionary it says that remember means to bring to mind or think of again.
The scriptures are a reminder of who we are and what we stand for! "Remember to keep the commandments, 'Remember the Lord our God, 'Remember His words, 'Remember He cometh to redeem the world, 'Remember the sabbath day, 'Yea they did Remember.'"
Its so important to remember all of these things, and the love that Heavenly Father has for us. Remember, we are His children. We lived with him before we came here to earth. We were taught the principles and commandements that would lead to happiness. Click here
I know that I am a daughter of God. I will stand for Him, for all truth and righteousness.
I really love a song by Jericho Road. Not sure of the title but it talks about this;

"I will stand as a witness, for all that believe
I will fight for the truth, be all that you want me to be.
And no matter how hard it may seem
I will do what you ask, I will do anything
'Cause this life is just a moment in time so I'll put my faith on the line.
Thats what it takes and thats what i will do
'Cause nothing means more than returning to you.
I'll give you my life, my time, my mistakes
Deny the world if thats what it takes."

I Know that we are all sons and daughters of God, who does love us! I'm so grateful that He sent His son as it says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.." I love my Savior with all my heart! We can be Reminded everyday who we are and what we stand for, by reading the words of God. I'm so grateful that we have the Bible and The Book of Mormon to read and have that reminder that we are His children.  Thats why I'm serving a mission, to help others Remember who they are!

1 comment:

  1. Remembering happens to be the thing I'm working on lately. It's hard to remember the Lord in all you do each day. But I'm always so grateful for the little things He gives that help me remember Him better every day. It's a nice little break from the day when you can take a refreshing breath and feel the peace He's so willing to give if we just remember Him.
